Our Favourite Links

The following links are sites of interest recommended by The Renewal Fellowship, without necessarily advocating all that you may find there. Happy surfing!

Living Stones – a Movement of Reformed Churches in Canada <livingstoneschurches.ca>

The Presbyterian Church in Canada <presbyterian.ca>

General Assembly Moderator’s Prayer Page <presbyterian.ca/gao/moderator/>

PresbyCan Daily Devotional <presbycan.ca>

The Reformed Theology Source <reformedtheology.ca>

Being a Christian and a Presbyterian in Canada Today <presbycan.ca/update>

Wycliffe College Institute of Evangelism <institute.wycliffecollege.ca>

Knox College, Toronto ON <knox.utoronto.ca>

St. Andrew’s Hall, Vancouver BC <standrews.edu>

Presbyterian College, Montreal QC <presbyteriancollege.ca>

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada <evangelicalfellowship.ca>