Drama camp: a week of blessing

By Rosemary Forsythe

Drama Camp 2018 is now in the history books. Each summer for the past number of years, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Parry Sound, Ontario, has invited children to put together a full-length Christian musical in five mornings.

The participants are often visiting grandchildren as well as local children and young people who participate in the St. Andrew’s group Kids on The Rock, who work on three musicals a year. After the first drama camp, when many of the children arrived knowing their parts and the music, we began to send out the material June 1st and encouraged the children to come prepared. They have never disappointed. The first day is quite fun as we hear all of the children sing together for the first time. New and old friendships are forged and it is a treat to witness the kindness that permeates every aspect of the program.

This year we had a crowd of 34 children — nine of them under the age of 16. The church was a hive of activity with many adults providing snacks and acting tips.

Three teens, alumni of Kids On The Rock, assumed leadership roles and directed the choreography and performed in the play itself. Four mornings of rehearsal, a dress rehearsal on the Friday morning, and the show was ready to share that Friday evening to an appreciative crowd of friends and family.

It is so much fun to watch children step out of their comfort zone, say a few lines or sing a solo. It is our goal to store up Bible verses and songs in the hears of these wonderful children who choose to spend a week of their summer vacation with us. Nothing gives us greater joy than to learn the children still remember the songs from past summer and do not hesitate to sing them to anyone who will listen.

A final comment: This week would not be possible without the energy and commitment of a small army of volunteers. The second week of July has been a week of blessing for all of us.

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