A church for an extraordinary time

We do not live in interesting times. These are extraordinary times. Artificial Intelligence is taking the digital age to a new level. AI is either the saviour of humankind by allowing us to progress technologically at a lightning pace and potentially solve all kinds of problems. Or it's the advent of a super intelligence which … Read more

What do you need right now?

Leafing through the fall 2023 edition of Presbyterian Connection, the denomination’s quarterly newsletter, I find plenty of stories about social justice and activism: racism, aboriginal rights, climate, poverty, hunger, sexuality and affordable housing. There’s content on church business: use of property, social media, travel tales, congregational renewal and stewardship. There’s the usual multi-page spread of … Read more

A new front emerges

Opposition to Physician Assisted Suicide/MAID. Like a typical town hall meeting, Renewal Cafés provide a glimpse into the mind of Christ within the evangelical wings of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. We send an invitation, accept RSVPs and open the door. The conversation then takes a life of its own. The invitation to the July … Read more

Christianity and Liberalism

Classic 1923 text by J. Gresham Machen comes to life again. In this diverse world of ours, we live side-by-side with colleagues, friends, neighbours and even family members who hold sometimes radically different political views, lifestyles and opinions about life. The Presbyterian Church in Canada has never been wholly unified. Progressives and traditionalists have been … Read more

Physician Assisted Suicide

The following is a summary of the work of the Committee on Church Doctrine regarding Physician Assisted Suicide and the responses of General Assembly since 2017 Report from the Committee on Church Doctrine 2017 Introduction Canada’s changing attitudes towards Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS; See “Definitions – A word about words” below for explanation of terminology) … Read more

The domesticated church

Renewal Day 2023. Like wild animals removed from their natural environments, are today’s Western believers overly domesticated and thereby innocuous? Have we allowed ourselves to be tamed under the control of the ruler of this world in order to fit in and not be too offensive? Cory McKenna, the speaker at our 2023 Renewal Day … Read more

You are Peter

Matthew 16:13-18 is a fascinating conversation. And revealing. It sheds as much light on the relationship between Jesus and His people today as it did about the dynamics He had with His disciples. The problem then was that the world rejected The Son of God outright. To the Rulers of the Visible World (the Roman Empire) He was a nuisance to be controlled or eliminated. To the church of … Read more