Parkwood’s Interactive Worship Experiment. Worship is not a performance but a participative experience. Parkwood Presbyterian Church (Ottawa, ON) has been exploring this concept through a series of monthly interactive church services led by young adults (those aged 18-35). The need for an interactive church service sprang out of Parkwood’s youth ministry. The congregation is blessed … Read more
Category Archives: Good News
Jesus bids us shine
Allow me to share a small joy we are experiencing in my congregation. It’s the process of choosing music for our kid’s message. For years, we didn’t have wee ones or young parents but they’re starting to show up and we have enough regulars to warrant Sunday School and a weekly kids message. My music … Read more
Living Water Forest Church
By Ian and Hannah Marnoch. Let me begin with a word about what Forest Church is not. It is not a transplantation of Sunday morning’s sanctuary worship to the outside. That’s what we do in the summer when we worship on the church lawn! Forest church is an experiment in participatory worship of the Triune God in … Read more
Encouraging words are heard
We love feedback. Here are some recent comments and statements received by Renewal Fellowship. "If you have 1/3 of the denomination that holds to an orthodox theology you are still very well situated to be a positive force for missional change in the PCC. The odds have been far worse at various points in church … Read more
Study Buddies in God’s Word
Dedicated group uses The Story to study Scripture via Zoom Your New Year’s resolution is to read through your Bible from Genesis through Revelation. You start strong, recognizing familiar names, such as Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, and stories about apples and snakes, a flood topped off with a … Read more
A Prayer Testimony
This is a testimony of a couple who for many years, were homeless and travelling around Canada, destitute and struggling with addictions and hopelessness, surviving by living in parks, alleyways under tarps, tents, and receiving handouts in community centres and shelters. They lived “welfare cheque to welfare cheque” and often taking advantage of the compassion … Read more
Anglican Renewal
Renewal groups can be found in many denominations. From time to time, we will take a look at others who adhere to the authority of scripture and resist bringing secular values into theology. “Gone by 2040?” The stark headline in the January 2020 Anglican Journal was an attention grabber, pointing to the grim conclusion of … Read more
Hear the Good News
While the Gospel call to salvation is the true and lasting Good News, it’s also true that people working together, sharing their successes and know-how is also good for The Kingdom. In January 2020, the session of Zion Presbyterian Church in Charlottetown, PEI, sent an invitation to each congregation in the Synod of Atlantic Provinces … Read more
Profile: Westminster Barrie
Our congregation began in 1962 in the gymnasium of a local public school. In 1964 we marched across a field to turn the soil at our new location in a nearby area of the city while singing “Onward Christian Soldiers.” Now an active group of about 400 people of all ages gather for weekly Sunday morning services ... Read more
Bits and Bites
VBS 1: Each year we host a KidzFest, our version of a DVBS. The program staff are mostly youth who are doing a great job while developing leadership skills. This year we set a target of 100, and exceeded that. We’re glad to provide some respite relief for parents, if that’s their motivation. Numerous people … Read more