PCC Covenant

There is much that unites us: we worship and serve the same Lord, we hold the same convictions about the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures, and we seek to order our lives and our ministries under the authority of our sovereign God and His revealed Word. Different circumstances will lead us to follow Christ faithfully in different directions, and none of these directions is a better or worse calling than another. ... Read more

PCC Covenant Opening Worship

I once posted in social media a picture of me wearing a Toronto Blue Jays cap, and my cousin posted along the lines that I look like “a thug from the hood", to which I replied, “I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me.” Most of us here could say something similar about our denomination. We've been born into or have been a part of the PCC for a long time. I, however, like many of you did have the special opportunity of really affirming our denomination through my ordination vows, as I pledged myself and swore to uphold our subordinate standards ... Read more