
How now shall we live as pastors, elders, caregivers and believers with a heart for the Gospel and the Great Commission?

We may be prevented from most human contact outside our families and close associates, but there are many ways to reach people and to interact.

  • Online meeting tools. There are many options: Zoom, GoTo Meeting and the old standby Skype. In our experience, you get what you pay for. Zoom is what we use at Renewal Fellowship. It’s free to anyone, but you’re limited to a handful of people and 40-minute time slots. A paid membership runs just over $20 Cdn per month and there’s no contract. Highly recommended, user friendly. If you need someone to walk you through it, email Executive Director Andy Cornell at <>.
    • Session, board of managers, worship-planning team, Bible study, small groups, staff — whatever — can all meet this way. PowerPoint presentations can be displayed on the screen using Zoom.
    • At St. Andrew’s in Dresden Ontario, we’re trying small-group discussion at 1 p.m. every Wednesday using Zoom. The link is included in the weekly email to the congregation. I share a brief scriptural passage and say a few words, then go with the flow. It hasn’t attracted a lot of interest, with only 3-4 people taking part at the most. But every congregation is different.
  • Snail mail. Canada Post gets an unfair shake. The national postal service is pretty reliable and cost effective. A lot of love can be packed in a letter or card. Email is easy. But a card looks better on a shelf and words on a church letterhead gets a lot of attention on a bulletin board or stuck behind fridge magnet.
  • Telephone touch. Yep, what’s old is new again.

Other resources which may inspire:

More to come!

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