PCC Restructuring Call to Action

Dear friends of Renewal Fellowship:

Recent years in our denomination have been turbulent. Some fear that our denomination may not, in its entirety, find its way back to authentic Biblical thinking, powerful Spirit-led prayer, and effective Gospel witness. Several of our members have been working on a way forward that was proposed by the Special Committee of Former Moderators at General Assembly in 2019 – a way that would enable The PCC to move past issues of theology and once again focus on ministry. The attached documents contain an urgent call to action and three associated documents.

We are forwarding these documents to you to facilitate communication and fellowship amongst our Renewal Fellowship members.

The main document is PCC Restructuring Call to Action. It contains links to three supplementary documents: Overture Template, How to Write an Overture, and The Need For Restructuring.

Included are also links to the three overtures that are posted on the Renewal Fellowship website from St. Andrew's Moncton, Presbytery of Eastern Han-Ca, and Grace West Hill.

The Executive of the Renewal Fellowship Board.

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