WHEREAS the Barrier Act of 2019 seeks to change the doctrine and practices of The Presbyterian Church in Canada in foundational ways, and
WHEREAS The Presbyterian Church in Canada prides itself in doing things ‘decently and in good order,’ and
WHEREAS, through no fault of its own, The Presbyterian Church in Canada has been unable to conduct a General Assembly in 2020, and to consider the results of Remits B and C (2019) as it normally would have due to COVID 19 issues, and
WHEREAS The Presbyterian Church in Canada prides itself on being inclusive, and
WHEREAS, Assembly Council, in its wisdom, has decided to move forward with a digital General Assembly in 2021 which will exclude participation of Commissioners who do not have access to effective digital means; and
WHEREAS, the results of Remits B and C (2019) deserve complete and comprehensive consideration and debate which cannot be done as effectively on-line, and
WHEREAS the on-going work of the General Assembly needs to be attended to:
THEREFORE, the Session of St. Andrew’s Moncton would Overture the next General Assembly to limit the business brought before the General Assembly in 2021 to matters normally brought forward under the “Consent Agenda” and other non-contentious matters; and that specifically the matter of Remits B and C (2019) be postponed until such a time as General Assembly is able to meet face to face to allow for due process, or to do otherwise as General Assembly in its wisdom may deem best.