Speak Up!

At first glance, 105 pages of reading isn’t all that much.

But not all reading is equal. The stack of documents each congregation is being asked to study and report on by the end of January contain some profound and hugely divisive material. We know that many in The Presbyterian Church in Canada pay no attention to matters sent down from General Assembly each year, and this year the temptation is even greater. They may say “It’s too much for our brains and schedules to handle” or “We can see the writing on the wall and our voices won’t matter.”

Wrong and wrong.

If there is ever a time to speak up, it’s now.

Renewal Fellowship exists, in part, to encourage The Presbyterian Church in Canada to be strong and courageous in the face of secular and liberal forces which say we are on the wrong side of history.

I believe too many evangelicals with a healthy respect for biblical purity are afraid to speak up. It’s easy to get the feeling that we are on the margins, even in our own congregations and presbyteries.

But here’s the good news: The Holy Spirit-fueled, apostolic, conservative, and evangelical elements of the PCC are larger and more vibrant than we may think.

Twenty years ago, it took real guts for a hetero person to publicly support the gay community. Now, it takes the same courage to stand up for traditional beliefs.

Be counter-cultural in a Christlike way. You have many friends. We are here to pray for you and with you. We are here to encourage you and listen. This is a time of great decision in The Presbyterian Church in Canada. Make your voice heard.

God’s will be done.

Rev. Andy Cornell, Executive Director