Allow me to share a small joy we are experiencing in my congregation. It’s the process of choosing music for our kid’s message. For years, we didn’t have wee ones or young parents but they’re starting to show up and we have enough regulars to warrant Sunday School and a weekly kids message.
My music director and I have a blast each week as we go through old tunes that haven’t been sung in years or even decades. We meet weekly and joyfully sing through some oldies until one resonates.
Here’s one from a few weeks ago:
“Jesus bids us shine with a pure, clear light. Like a kittle candle burning in the night. In this world darkness, so we must shine. You in your small corner, and I in mine.” Did you have a smile on your face when read those words? Like me, the tune came back in an instant. Were you singing it in your head?
Young families are returning, I am convinced, because I adhere to authentic Biblical thinking in my messages. The Gospel truth does not change. My preaching does not need to get with the times. Technology — absolutely. Practice — for sure. But I will not (cannot) stray from the unadultered truth that Jesus is the only way to God. And that we are sinners and need redemption. And the only way to grow closer to God and to each other is to humbly submit.
And not just younger folks but all ages. The secret to a healthy congregation is no secret. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday today and forever.
That’s my program and I’m sticking to it. We at Renewal Fellowship are here to encourage one another and to share stories of how God is working. The witness of Ian Marnoch’s congregation which celebrates God in nature while remaining steadfastly rooted in orthodoxy is a powerful witness. See Page 3-4.
How is God working in your midst? Anything to share?
I’m all ears.
Andy Cornell
RF Executive Director